Online Bookings Available Now
Saturday & Sunday races are booked separately and not included in the Family pass
Please note on some phones the menu may appeas as the letter “a” instead of the usual vertical bars
Fri Sept 20th
Kids & Cobwebs Theme Loud & Colourful
We commence with the traditional Kids and Cobwebs ride for all of the family commencing
at the Dungog Public School. Money raised goes to assist Primary Schools. Distance 3.5km fairly flat
Entry forms to be returned to your School
Sat Sept 21st
All Entries at the Control Centre opposite Davey & Olsen 168 Dowling Street Dungog
MTB Social Ride
Social Ride Commences at the Common (Common Road Dungog)
Fosterton Ride – commences at the VIC
(VIC is the Dungog Visitor Information Centre)
A 22 km ride from Dungog to Fosterton Bridge and returnand it includes a great rest spot about halfway on the
Williams river at Newells Crossing with Muffins and Drinks. Diatance 22km undulating, short moderate hills includes 3k unsealed road.
Novelty events start at the Control Centre opposite Davey & Olsen 168 Dowling Street Dungog
The Inaugural Antique Single Gear Australian Event
We are planning yet another Criterium around the block of any bike older than 30 years with a single gear.
Similar to the Penny farthing a half hour event with the last two laps flat out. Again we have concerns for our potholes but with care we hope their heritage potential will not be lost.
Again please pass the word to any potential riders you may know. 900M per lap by 5, minor hills
Kids 2 lap challenge
Any child under 18 can enter the 5 lap challenge this year for a run around the block. Any bike, any
condition and the potholes can take their chances. 900M per lap by 2, minor hills
Kids Ballance Bike Event
Bikes are provided or bring your own
The Penny Farthing Inaugural NSW Event.
We have had Penny Farthings in rides before but now we are setting up a half hour of a events
Slow Event 10M last rider across the line without falling off wins
Mail Event 60Meters with witches hats 10M apart
Sprint 200M consisting Run, Carry, Wheel, Ride 50M each One-On-One Style
Dandy Horse National Championships – Inaugral Dandy Events
Slalom 100M Consisting of 50M around cones one way and 50M back One-On-One Style
Partner Push 200M consisting 100M swap rider then final 100M
Sprint 200M
Allcomers Event
Adaptive, Recumbent or other bike types
Bandon Grove Hall
Dungog Cinema
BMX Bandits
Sun Sept 22nd
MTB XC Race Cancelled
Ride Dungog MTB XC RACE at Dungog Common
Ride Dungog MTB XC RACE at the Dungog Common. PedalFest ’24 – XC Challenge
Entry for PedalFest ’24 – XC Challenge via baucher.com
Thalaba Church Scones, Jam and Cream Ride
(VIC is the Dungog Visitor Information Centre)
A 17 km scenic ride from Dungog through Marshdale, Thalaba and Alison another classic for all of the family. 18km, undulating, some long hills
And More
There will be a family ride along Fosterton Road again this year. Ride with all the family in a safe ride with
muffins at the river. The Alison Road ride to Thalaba Church with jam and scones will be on again this year
but the ride to Bandon Grove has had to be dropped to allow us to include the new events above. The Friday night Kids and Cobwebs ride will be on to raise money for
Dungog Primary Schools.
Entrants information requests to:
pedal@pedalfest.org.au or ring Royce on +61 447 837 373
Dungog Rotary are keen to host the best Pedalfest ever and celebrate a greater than 30 year event.
Get involved Enter or just come along and watch,
Family and Individual Weekend Pass
At any time during the event you can take a self guided historical tour of Dungog.
Come and celebrate the event with us at the best cycling town in NSW and check out other events in the area.
Free camping at the Dungog Showground for unpowered sites & powered are $20 per day.
Dungog, life on a bike – as good as it gets
Come along and see some fun